Hydration Is Your Friend

There is so much information regarding how much hydration is needed in each day. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) 125.11 ounces a day for men and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) 91.3 ounces for women. That seems like a crazy amount of water, but when you think about it 60% of the human adult body is water. Additionally, about 20% of the water you need daily comes from different foods we eat in each day. Most diets and health plans require clients to intake 8, 8 ounces glasses, equaling 64 ounces of water. When I read it that way staying hydrated doesn’t seem to hard. 

Is there a real number for all Men and All Women? I honestly don’t know. You can goggle it a 100 different ways and get similar numbers. From my experience ever one client is different. I love that part of working with people. What works for me isn’t necessarily going to work for you or the next person. I love to ask questions when I do Health Assessments with clients. I get to know and understand them and their current habits. Do they already hydrate during the day? Do they exercise? For how long? Do they drink other beverages that may dehydrate them like coffee or alcohol? Different questions can uncover their hydration habits, the long short of it, we need to stay hydrated. I use the general thumb of 64 Ounce -100 Ounce Most clients hem and haul, but in the end can’t believe how something as simple as drinking plain old water has so many positive effects on their entire body. When you break it down to 8 to 10 8 ounces glasses of water it’s doesn’t seem so MUCH? 

Just a few wonderful benefits of water, which I also posted on my @self_health Coaching Facebook and Instagram site: Regulates the body temperature, helps prevent infection, delivers nutrients to your cells as well as keeping your organs functional. My favorite benefits: Hydration also helps improve sleep, skin and your moods. Ever feel that weird dizzy feeling? I do. I am not by any means a doctor, for me that’s a sign I am dehydrated. I have also heard this from many clients. 

So, I guess I don’t have to tell you how important hydration is. I challenge you this month to add some more water to your day. When you sit down for a meal add 8 ounces to your glass, put a sticky in your car to remind you to bring water. How much water can you drink in January? 

Tag me @self_health Coaching let me know on your water consumption.


Fasting vs Eating Small Meals