Hear the backstory



My name is Kristen Foster Young. I am a certified functional nutrition coach with a passion for what I do. My career started after I faced struggles of my own as my body changed. Through these challenges I am well equipped to teach others what I have learned.


In my thirties I had some trouble comprehending the changes in my body. I was always looking at everyone else and not focusing on me. With constant dieting and militant exercise, I was the picture of health, right? Nope!

I was diagnosed with prediabetes. I couldn’t believe it. I was also struggling with hormonal problems and everything felt off. I was told if my sugar levels test high again I would be put on medications. My hormonal issues weren’t even addressed by my doctors.

I was young for hormonal issues, but not too young for a lifetime of medication.

At 38 I didn’t want to go on medication. This started my journey as a health coach. I was hell bent on getting my sugars under control. I would read and research anything I could find. I changed my diet and how I ate. This was the turning point in my life. The more I would research and read, the more I started to realize everybody is different and my body is unique.

Fast forward a year later. I had stopped chronic dieting and eating foods that gave my body energy and would have helped me feel great. My sugar was even higher and I was told it was time for meds. I asked for a few months more and advice. The only advice I was given was the basics — watch your sugar, diet and exercises. This was shit! I educated myself and became my own client, once again. Six Months later my sugar was the lowest its ever been without medications and I was feeling the best I have felt in years as I was approaching my early 40’s.

What I’ve learned, I’m now teaching others!



Why do you want me as your health coach?

I help my clients build health habits that fit into their busy lifestyle and are catered to the needs of their body. I teach my clients how to recapture their energetic self, through clean flexible eating, restful sleep, movement, stress reduction, self care, and cultivating positive thoughts. As a result, they will have increases energy, improved digestive and hormonal health, and an overall improved wellness!

Changing one habit can change your life!

Join me and let’s forget the diet, the fads, the crazy exercise, always guessing ourselves and create health habits for your unique body type…