Polarity of Food

If life is a system of opposites and we are constantly trying to figure out the balance, you would think that would also apply to food?

Food is more than just fuel for our bodies. Food has energetic qualities that are beyond the science and mechanics of calories, fat, grams and nutrient values. Is food every talked about in ENERGY?

How does the energy of food even play into the polarity of food? And how can this be creating your cravings or pulling you towards certain foods.

Let’s take the two extremes the polarity of food: On one side we have our “Expansive Bliss” Food. This energy is in Caffeine, Sugar, Alcohol, Dairy, Feel Good Carbs and even some extent fruits.

Expansive Bliss Foods make you feel HAPPY. RELAXED full of bliss, but what goes up may come down. In the end you feel brain fog, exhausted and sometimes even guilt?

On the other side we have “Contracted Tension” Food. These foods are contracting vs expansive. Foods with this energy are in Meat, Eggs and Salt, for example. They make you feel focused but eating to many of these foods can make you feel tight, aggressive and even angry.

What do you think will happen if you have to many Expansive Foods? We will crave Contracted.

Like in life when we have to many contracted tension , overworking, over committed, stress, and lack of sleep our bodies is looking for some expansive bliss in the form of powering down, saying no to over committing, getting more sleep, exercising but if we aren’t in tuned with our internal signals we instead go to: Sugar, Alcohol, Carbs, and Treats.  

What do you think happens when we are constantly dieting? Depriving ourselves? Over Working Out? Or Taking all Expansive Bliss Foods out of our lifestyle?

Join SelfHealth this fall for a wonderful workshop Food Freedom.


Fasting vs Eating Small Meals